Why Romney Will Win

Well first of all, let’s take into account that this is a center right country and always has been. In June of 2010, Gallup conducted a poll wherein, 42% of Americans self identified themselves as conservative, and just 20% self identified themselves as liberal. This fact was never more evident than in November of 2010, when conservatives swept local and national elections. And despite what you will hear in the media, and from the Obama regime, the November 2010 election was a referendum on Obama, and Pelosi’s management of the economy which by most measures, has become worse. From CNN Money – “Only 29% of CEOs said they expect to hire more employees in the next six months, down from 36% in the last quarter. Company leaders are also cutting back on capital spending plans: just 30% expected to increase spending, compared to 43% last quarter.”, and a lot of this uncertainty stems from the “fiscal cliff” issue, and Obama’s inability to convince Americans, or even members of his own party that raising taxes on the “rich” will resolve our problems. Of course, everyone knows that it won’t, but that fact hasn’t stopped Obama from demagoguing the issue. Set aside the fact that Obama has never submitted a serious budget, with his last attempt earlier in the year, not receiving one single vote in either Congressional Chamber, not even from his own party. Not one single vote!!! How can anyone be reelected, or even elected for that matter,  that is incapable of submitting a serious budget? Finally on this note is the fact that a conservative Governor just held off on all out liberal assault and won a recall election in a very blue state. Thank you Governor Walker.

Now let’s bring into question the only issue that Obama may have had the upper hand on, and that was foreign policy. That is until just recently when his misguided policies are now literally blowing up in his, and our faces. Relations with the ME are at an all time low, and Obama surrogate and UN Ambassador Susan Rice outright lied to the American people for days following the Embassy attacks, a fact of which is well known by many, no thanks to the sycophantic, Obama loving media. Obama has never visited Israel, denigrated Netanyahu in an off mike conversation with Sarkozy, continues to give Iran more time and confidence, and has done nothing in regards to Syria, where the real massacre is taking place. Outside of allowing the military to take out UBL, of which his braggadocio has helped incited current ME violence, his foreign policy has been confusing and ineffective.

Now we  need to consider Obama’s plan for the next four years, because this is after all, a referendum on Obama, not Mitt Romney. Although Mitt Romney does have a comprehensive plan, and the background and experience to get the job done, this election will be decided on Obama’s plan, which by all accounts, is more of the same. He just needs more time, according to pundits and himself. Well thinking people realize that nearly 4 years is enough time to see some positive results, of which there just hasn’t been enough, set aside the fact that some economists are thinking that hyperinflation may be headed our way soon, gas prices have more than doubled, unemployment is headed upward, and family incomes are on the decline. And what is Obama’s answer? Higher taxes, higher insurance premiums due to Obamacare, more regulation, and more redistribution, and according to him, it just needs more time to work. I don’t think many people are buying that.

Finally the polls, which are misleading to say the least, mostly because they over sample Democrats and base their expected turn out on 2008 numbers, which by any measure was a very unusual election with unusually high turn out numbers in several categories. Also, I believe the most recent swing state polls are over sampling Democrats by a minimum of 5 percentage points. The following is the conclusion of a very good Hugh Hewitt interview with Jay Cost: “How do you get a 4 point Democratic advantage for this president on the top line number with a tie among independents? The only way you get that is through an overwhelming advantage in terms of partisan identification for Democrats.”

Most of the mainstream media will do everything they can to see that Obama is reelected, and they prove that daily in their polling and in their analysis. I base my opinion on the fact that we are a center right country, the November 2010 election outcomes, the Walker win in WI, and the failed policies of Obama. I could be wrong, but I do expect a Romney victory in November.

149 thoughts on “Why Romney Will Win

  1. Retired Spook September 27, 2012 / 1:16 pm

    Being on social security, I don’t know how I could have forgotten the fact that, for the first two years of Obama’s term, social security recipients got zero COLA, in spite of the fact that the cost of food and fuel went up sharply? What percentage of those folks, many of whom are also only earning 1-2% on their savings, are going to pull the lever for 4 more years?

    • Amazona September 27, 2012 / 1:30 pm

      Spook, if you had not had money confiscated by the government instead of being able to invest it as you chose, would you be getting more back from that investment now than you are getting?

      Would you have CHOSEN to participate in the social engineering scheme of the federal government, instead of maintaining both your independence and your autonomy?

      Since it is YOUR MONEY coming back to you, would you prefer a lump sum repayment of what you were forced to pay in, so you could not only invest it better, but have it as part of your estate and not taken by the government upon your death?

      • dbschmidt September 27, 2012 / 2:01 pm

        I have said several times that if the government would let me “opt out” of SS and Medicare only returning what they took (no interest unlike when we owe the IRS) at the point of an unconstitutional law–I could do better in my remaining years before retirement than they did in the first 40. They best they have done as far as returns on my forced investment has barely exceeded 1% and has never been above 2%. Compare that with Galveston County, Texas who were allowed to “opt out” or my current portfolio (in these lean times) which is returning over 8% in these markets.

    • irisspirit September 27, 2012 / 3:44 pm

      Spook, who makes that determination of COLA? The president or Congress? I really do not know who makes that call. Be aware that many of us that work and earn a pay check didn’t receive any kind of COLA either.

  2. Cluster September 27, 2012 / 1:22 pm

    Following a Romney victory, let’s all remember that liberals like Mitch are perfectly ok with $4 gallon gas, high energy prices, 8.2% unemployment, $1 trillion dollar deficits, $16 trillion debt, declining household incomes, low work force participation rates, and a Middle East that burn Presidents in effigy.

    I will not forget this fact, and will remind them constantly.

    • Amazona September 27, 2012 / 1:32 pm

      They are also quite OK with having the Executive and Judicial branches of government conspire to break United States laws to illegally arm a criminal organization in another country, merely to advance a domestic political agenda which includes limitation of Constitutional rights, and thereby making the calculation that the lives of innocents were expendable as they were, after all, only brown-skinned people of another nation and therefore not important.

      • James September 27, 2012 / 3:05 pm

        Amazona said:

        They are also quite OK with having the Executive and Judicial branches of government conspire to break United States laws to illegally arm a criminal organization in another country, merely to advance a domestic political agenda which includes limitation of Constitutional rights, and thereby making the calculation that the lives of innocents were expendable as they were, after all, only brown-skinned people of another nation and therefore not important.

        Not only is this a blatant lie, but its a complete and perfect example of your hatred, vitriol, and disdain for this administration. You live in a bubble. that run on sentence I just copied and pasted….DID NOT HAPPEN. nobody conspired to do anything, nobody conspired against brown people or any other people for that matter.

        Seriously, step back from the ledge, if this administration is so horrible, he would surely be losing wouldn’t he? he would surely not have leads in swing states…surely you would be able to convince 51% of the people in this nation that this criminal in chief must be thrown to the curb?

        But no. the truth is, you’re a liar, exaggerator of events to suit your own view. Step OUT OF YOUR BUBBLE, please join us in the real world.

      • js02 September 27, 2012 / 3:52 pm

        give up james…you are not even in the same class as Amazona…pity the fool you are but…you dont have a leg to stand on chump

    • Amazona September 27, 2012 / 1:34 pm

      They are also OK with the Executive Branch completely bypassing Congressional approval or oversight, to implement backdoor regulations which do not appear as legislative regulations, by doing things like giving, by Presidential edict, unlimited power to a branch of government.

      They are OK with a president who openly declares that if Congress will not legislate what he wants, he will accomplish it through his assumed powers of the Presidency.

      • James September 27, 2012 / 3:00 pm

        Amazona, tsk tsk tsk…

        They are also OK with the Executive Branch completely bypassing Congressional approval or oversight, to implement backdoor regulations which do not appear as legislative regulations, by doing things like giving, by Presidential edict, unlimited power to a branch of government.

        This is a complete and utter lie. give us ONE example of this President doing what you claimed…

        They are OK with a president who openly declares that if Congress will not legislate what he wants, he will accomplish it through his assumed powers of the Presidency.

        Assumed powers of the presidency? you mean the same power that all Presidents have used from time to time to implement their agenda when congress wasn’t willing to act?

        You are perhaps the biggest and sorriest hypocrite I have ever come across.

      • js02 September 27, 2012 / 3:40 pm

        James must be the posterboy for the mental midgets club of the Democratic Socialist Party.

      • js02 September 27, 2012 / 3:50 pm

        real smart james..ill bet you looked it up in the dictionary eh…we all know that you are not that smart…tell us the truth now

      • Cluster September 27, 2012 / 4:59 pm


        you want some examples of Obama presidential power by passing congress? Try the dream act and try cap & trade of which he has allowed the EPA to implement unchecked.

    • js02 September 27, 2012 / 3:49 pm

      what we have to watch for is voter fraud…with 1.5 million invalid voters in California…its very possible for the DNC cheat machine to do that

      • James September 27, 2012 / 4:01 pm

        you got any evidence of that? or did you just pull that out of your dog’s ass?

        It would be nice if you provided some sort of link….that’s not to much to ask is it?

      • js02 September 27, 2012 / 9:23 pm

        Oh my, you can etiquettly pronounce words reflecting your own scum…is that the best ya got boy?

    • M. Noonan September 27, 2012 / 7:51 pm


      Our liberals would be in a difficult situation in 2013 if Romney wins and we’re fully gripped in the depths of the Obama recession Romney is going to inherit – but, fear not! Our liberals are up to the task – they’ll simply blame it on Bush and say that everything was just turning around when we wicked, evil, racist Republicans stole the election and undid all the good Obama had done.

      Bookmark this – if Romney is President, you’ll start to see comments along these lines by March of 2013.

  3. mitch September 27, 2012 / 2:18 pm

    I must say, you guys are good for a laugh. Thanks for edumicatin’ me with all that fancy book learn’n. Bypassing congress, huh? Remember Iran Contra and the Boland amendment? How about Bush’s signing statements and the Bush Administrations opinion on executive privilege. Spare me the vitriol and the defensiveness. And Cluster, I hate to break it to you, but the market determines the price of oil. And there is a rumor that they can make gas from oil. Maybe Spook would have invested the SS withholding and gotten a nice return. Freedom and autonomy. Yippie! Except 4 yrs ago when the market lost half its value. Social engineering my you know what. Why don’t you become completely independent of any ties to society Ama instead of constantly complaining with your matchless hysteria. Make your own clothing from cotton that you grow. Grow your own food. Build a shelter to live in. But you’ve got to have some land first. And since the concept of private property is a capitalistic one, what if you don’t have any acreage? Then what do you do. Oh, I know. Get a job to get a piece of paper that’s a symbol of something else in order to give to another person who “owns” some property that you can then “own” in order to be free of any ties to society.
    You are just plain spiteful and angry. But it’s getting near lunch time. Better consult another piece of paper, the Constitution, before I decide what to eat.

    • Amazona September 27, 2012 / 2:33 pm

      Wow, we seem to have hit a nerve with mitche. Evidently he doesn’t like having his ignorance and stupidity pointed out to him—yeah, like THAT’S never happened before!

      Sorry, mitche, but while your silly little diatribe obviously made you feel better, it just reinforces the perception that you are an idiot—and a politically illiterate idiot, at that.

      P.S., mitche, we are talking about Barak Obama in his first term as president. You can go back as far as you want, to dig up all the alleged infractions you want, by all the former presidents and administrations you want, and they will be no more relevant than you are now.

      But thanks for proving our point—that all you guys have is lies and vitriol, spite and malice, and all made possible by the toxic mix of political ignorance and personality disorders that make you such eager cannon fodder for the Left.

    • Retired Spook September 27, 2012 / 2:51 pm

      Maybe Spook would have invested the SS withholding and gotten a nice return.

      But I was not allowed to , so we’ll never know. And I didn’t get really serious about investing my own money until I was in my early 50’s. Prior to than I let someone else manage my retirement funds, and every one did an abysmal job. I studied financial markets, subscribed to Morning Star, and, since 1997, when I took control of all my retirement funds, like DB, I’ve averaged around 8% annual return.

      Freedom and autonomy. Yippie! Except 4 yrs ago when the market lost half its value.

      Well, except that dip only affected people who were 100% invested in equities and took all of their retirement income in a lump sum in March, 2009. Apparently you don’t follow the stock market too closely, as the DOW has recovered from its 2009 low of 6,500 to the current level of around 13,500, only 600 points from its all-time high.

      Mitch, you really do epitomize the old saying, “better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt”.

      • mitch September 27, 2012 / 5:00 pm

        8% is a good return. Over the past 75 yrs the average has been closer to 5, so congratulations. As a matter of fact, I don’t follow the market to closely because the majority of my retirement funds are invested in ETF’s and have been since 2004. Unfortunately, if you have any investment; other than bonds, they all are tied to equities at one point or another. You made my point, however. If the total of your retirement had been invested in the market in 2009, it would have lost ~ 1/2 of it’s value. If you were fortunate enough not to have to draw on the principle it would have recovered but SS benefits are guaranteed. No growth per se, but peace of mind does have some value. And speaking of the market, since some on this blog seem to think the President is responsible for the price of a gallon of gas, why won’t they give him any credit for the rise in the stock market? Oh wait, I know. He’s a Muslim Marxist.

      • Retired Spook September 27, 2012 / 7:12 pm

        why won’t they give him any credit for the rise in the stock market? Oh wait, I know. He’s a Muslim Marxist.

        Mitch, his being a Muslim Marxist has nothing to do with why he doesn’t get credit for the recovery of the stock market. The stock market has recovered from its 2009 low because of QE1, QE2 and now QE3, whereby large banks/brokerage firms (Goldman Sachs, JPMChase, etc. have used virtually free money to engage in flash trades (approximately 70% of all market trades) to manipulate the market higher. The 7,000 point DOW rise since March, 2009 has less to do with fundamentals and profits and more to do with smoke and mirrors. It will be interesting to see how long they can keep the ball in the air, but eventually it will have to come down.

      • M. Noonan September 27, 2012 / 7:56 pm


        And if you price the Dow in gold, it is at best only slightly higher than it was at the 2009 nadir. Essentially, the higher Dow was done by means of the Federal Reserve picking the pockets of the poor and middle class and giving the money to the large banks. Liberals think this is a good thing.

    • js02 September 27, 2012 / 3:42 pm

      You are runnin’ bout wit yur pants round yur ankles Mitch. Did someone stick a 3/4″ dowell rod through your ears when you were a child?

    • js02 September 27, 2012 / 3:44 pm

      back yard bullsh.. and bar room brawls are not the ideal image of what a POTUS should be

      go figure that every time he opens his mouth, you are listening to a lie…its that simple

    • js02 September 27, 2012 / 3:48 pm

      btw…do you get chills up and down you legs when you watch that…it made me sick…

    • Cluster September 27, 2012 / 6:27 pm

      That ad is a joke. We’ve come too far? Far in what way? $16 trillion debt, household incomes have declined on average by $8000, gas has more than doubled, 23 million are unemployed, and grocery prices are rising. Let’s please don’t go any further.

      Only stupid people will vote for Obama.

      • James September 27, 2012 / 8:12 pm

        23 million are not unemployed. that’s a lie.

        income did NOT go down $8000, that’s a lie.

        16 trillion dollar debt doesn’t mean a thing when the bond markets are at historical low interest rates, and inflation is low.

        grocery prices are rising? really? since when did grocery prices go DOWN over a 4 year period? do you believe that inflation is only an issue when Democrats are Presidents? did grocery prices not go up under Bush, Reagan? Nixon? Carter? Bush Senior?

        Only stupid people will vote for Obama.

        Only idiots vote for the GOP and against their own economic interests. But you’re not emotional right cluster? to call you an idiot is to be kind….

      • js02 September 27, 2012 / 9:25 pm

        and the cowjumped o’er the moon…we got that part james…

        but we also learnt’ to scribe and think…when ya going ta catch up boy?

  4. GMB September 27, 2012 / 4:39 pm

    I am sick of all you wingnuts. Please just let barky finish his waffles and golf game. Yeah do that, and it is time to pick a $50,000.00 necklace out at Tiffanys for the mooch to.

    Remember to skip your meal this week all you good liberals and send the money to putt and mooch.

  5. mitch September 27, 2012 / 5:09 pm

    Sounds like you are confusing Gingrich’s account at Tiffanys with the Obamas. And the president does have a job that pays, so what is it to you how he spends his money. (As if he would buy his wife a $50k necklace. Sounds more like what Romney would do.) And I think that Bush played more golf than the president. Especially when he said he wouldn’t.
    But hey, I understand. You guys are just old and cranky. Maybe a nice glass of warm milk will help to make you nicer people. In Ama’s case, she could use a whole cow while she studies up on “the alleged infractions” of Iran Contra. You probably think it’s “alleged” that we landed on the moon as well.

    • GMB September 27, 2012 / 5:24 pm

      ” And I think that Bush played more golf than the president. Especially when he said he wouldn’t.”

      Do us all a favor bomber boy, quit “thinking” It is not your strong suit. Empathy is more your gig. Especially false empathy.

      A simple search on your favorite search engine will tell you how many rounds of putt putt each man played as potus.

      Been taking lessons from Thomas?

      Remember that tail number yet?

      • mitch September 27, 2012 / 7:25 pm

        I wouldn’t give you the tail number if I was being water boarded.

      • GMB September 27, 2012 / 7:35 pm

        Waste of effort to water board someone like you. You would need to something useful there mr. empathy.

    • dbschmidt September 27, 2012 / 7:19 pm


      The basic rule of holes is when you find yourself in one–quit digging.
      Posted on June 18, 2012

      On Sunday, President Obama played his 100th round of golf since taking office, according to CBS News’ Mark Knoller — the White House press corps’ keeper of all sorts of presidential factoids.

      In less than one term, Obama has eclipsed his predecessor. President George W. Bush played golf 24 times during eight years in the White House, ABC News’ Good Morning America reports. Bush stopped playing while in office after an Aug. 19, 2003, truck bombing in Baghdad killed the U.N.’s top official in Iraq. He decided at that time, Bush said, according to The Washington Post, that “it’s just not worth it anymore.”

      “Playing golf during a war just sends the wrong signal,” Bush said.


  6. Cluster September 27, 2012 / 5:20 pm

    I know clear thinking, rational people sure are tired of the foot soldiers in the media:

    ABC’s Good Morning America hasn’t once reported on U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice’s claim on the September 16, 2012 edition of This Week that the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya was “a spontaneous – not a pre-meditated – response to what had transpired in Cairo.” Even worse, the morning show hasn’t reported on the subsequent developments on the consulate attack over the past 12 days that cast doubt on Ambassador Rice’s statement.

    Let’s again all remember that people like James and Mitch are ok with an administration that will lie to them, and the American public on a regular basis.

    Read more: http://newsbusters.org/#ixzz27hugBzPJ

    • neocon1 September 27, 2012 / 7:54 pm


      Ubamas sons?

  7. Cluster September 27, 2012 / 6:38 pm

    Up thread, 6206j posted an Obama ad, claiming that the “highly deceitful” ad was a game changer and that Romney doesn’t stand a chance. Here’s a headline from today:

    Americans’ Incomes Have Fallen $3,040 During the Obama ‘Recovery’

    It is sad commentary on how gullible and stupid the American populace has become to believe the daily lies that this administration pushes out. It is also sad commentary that so many of them have become grateful for the crumbs that Obama throws their ways while telling this lies. It is surreal.


    • casper September 27, 2012 / 7:46 pm

      “It is sad commentary on how gullible and stupid the American populace has become to believe the daily lies that this administration pushes out. It is also sad commentary that so many of them have become grateful for the crumbs that Obama throws their ways while telling this lies. It is surreal.”

      Then again, maybe it shows that Americans aren’t dumb enough to fall for Romney’s lies.

  8. casper September 27, 2012 / 7:22 pm

    You left off Jesus, nuns, pollsters, and replacement refs.

    • neocon1 September 28, 2012 / 8:27 am


      so now you mock Jesus…………may the ghost of killer tiller visit upon you in “church” some day and haunt you.
      you do truly have a deceived black heart.

  9. mitch September 27, 2012 / 7:23 pm

    Inflated tires and Sponge Bob. lol. Don’t forget the purple telitubies, or what ever the late Falwell had a fit over.

  10. casper September 27, 2012 / 7:28 pm

    Oh and don’t forget the Fox News Polls.

  11. casper September 27, 2012 / 7:30 pm

    And energy saving light bulbs, cars that get over 10 miles per gallon, windmills, and solar panels.

    • mitch September 27, 2012 / 7:41 pm

      lol! See below.

    • Majordomo Pain September 27, 2012 / 8:33 pm

      And “gumdrop computers” and “forkers.”

  12. mitch September 27, 2012 / 7:40 pm

    When Obama wins, I am going to call in my favors and have him shut down this blog. Then I’ll have him get section 20 to go to your homes, arrest you for treason and disrespect, and put you in the FEMA trailers. They are hidden in N.O. Once there, you will be forced to listen to funeral dirges and have to eat Rice Krispie’s instead of the better local fare. The cereal will be prepared by illegals with dirty hands who don’t speak English. You’ll also be forced to watch Frank Kapra propaganda films from 1943. After that, re-runs of The Donna Reed Show, Father Knows Best and The Naked City. All the good boys and girls can enjoy The Andy Griffith Show.
    Then, when you are allowed to sleep, your beds will have sheets and blankets emblazoned with Obama’s image. But no pillows. You need to be reeducated under duress.
    Dano the Mano

    • neocon1 September 27, 2012 / 8:27 pm


      come see me FIRST…….OK
      I have these hungry gators that love…………….

      • mitch September 27, 2012 / 11:14 pm

        You have alligators? Hope they don’t lop your arm or any other appendage off. The last guy that tried that lost his arm and was arrested for animal harassment.

    • neocon1 September 27, 2012 / 7:57 pm

      Bwaaaaaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha

      the forkers, catspuke, jimmah,dennis, bomber Bmitch…..all rolled inti THIS

      • neocon1 September 27, 2012 / 7:59 pm


        dumb as a box on obamas (pos)

      • neocon1 September 27, 2012 / 8:00 pm

        mmmmmmm mmmmmmm mmmmmm

        dream on TROLLS……..

      • neocon1 September 27, 2012 / 8:03 pm

        Ooooh yeh fo mo yeas

    • neocon1 September 27, 2012 / 8:10 pm

      More Ubama voters…….all GOOD donks….arent you proud to be part of this catspuke and dennistooge?
      hypocrite’s on the highway to hell (not the fork)

      Teen Mob Laughs While They Record Vicious Beating of ‘Mentally Challenged’ Woman: ‘Smash That B**tch!’

      “Their behavior is animalistic to this poor woman.”,

      • neocon1 September 27, 2012 / 8:12 pm

        Ubamas muslim police state

        Man Behind Anti-Islam Film ‘Innocence of Muslims’ Arrested

      • neocon1 September 27, 2012 / 8:18 pm

        it was dem jew ce-gars im tellin ya

        Farrakhan: The Monica Lewinsky Scandal Was a Zionist Conspiracy
        “All of those who were involved in scandalizing Bill Clinton, they happen to be Zionists”

      • mitch September 27, 2012 / 8:28 pm

        Like a birther like you? Don’t make comparisons. Don’t stereotype or when Section 20 comes for you, I’ll have you singled out for particularly egregious comments. Put a re-programing probe into your brain and make you watch Brokeback Mountain on loop.

        Dano the Mano

    • neocon1 September 27, 2012 / 8:25 pm

      NOTE to FORKER @September 27, 2012 at 7:42 pm #

      **********POSSIBLE************* fraud, NEXT??

    • Majordomo Pain September 27, 2012 / 8:39 pm

      Neocon1 The crime is nearly meaningless it is the coverup that will sink Romney. The Romney campaign paid Sproul’s new firm after it was known Lincoln Strategies would send off red flags in all the states where they might be involved in voter registration drives. There are 106 forms where the signatures are the same or the party has been changed from D to R in Palm Beach County alone.

    • js02 September 28, 2012 / 8:55 am

      Whats really strange is how you lame libtards piss and moan about an event where the RNC national and state level organisations immediately fire a firm that is associated with mere allegations of fraud (thats right, even your article admits no criminal charges were filed), yet, the DNC assiciated itself with Acorn like 2 pieces of iron welded together. Try to figure it out now Pain…as ACORN dissolved because of actual vote fraud it fragmented into renamed organizations scattered but still just as organized across the country. Why dont you idiots track the real fraudsters who ENDORSED THIS KIND OF CRAP IN 2008? WHY DONT YOU EXPOSE THE TRUTH INSTEAD OF THIS BIASED BULLSHxxT..???…

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