Is it Time for a Left/Right Alliance?

The other day Legal Insurrection had a post about a meeting – pleasant and mutually enriching – between TEA Party and MoveOn activists.  Today, Pajamas Media had an announcement from the Hacktivist group, Anonymous:

…“Obama has been working hard to try and ban semi-automatic weapons and shotguns while at the same time increasing the weapons and firepower that police and government agencies have. Within minutes of the Connecticut shooting, politicians were on the state run media saying it was time to get rid of the guns and they will be talking about it for weeks to come,” Anonymous wrote on its blog. “The Obama administration and his government funded media have been promoting this idea for months. Every time there is a shooting performed by a crazy person the media talks about it non-stop for weeks or months. But when there is an illegal or unlawful shooting by police that does not fit Obama’s agenda the story is barely mentioned.”

Anonymous notes that not only do police shootings barely get any attention, but cases where slaying are committed without guns or where guns are used to save lives also fly under the radar.

“Mr. Obama the 2nd amendment of the US Constitution does not talk about an army, that is covered elsewhere in the constitution. It does talk about a well regulated militia which is made of civilians with their own weapons. The second amendment of the US Constitution does not talk about protecting government or government resources, but it does talk about being necessary for the security of a free state. The second amendment of the US constitution does not say a single word about hunting or sport. But it does say ‘The peoples right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed’.”…

To be sure, be wary!  Gentle as lambs but wise as serpents, as one bit of wisdom commanded.  The left is, in its leadership, made up of junior-league Leninists who crave control because they honestly believe they are smarter than the rest of us and have an innate right to command.  But, still, this is interesting – I haven’t seen any better exposition of the 2nd Amendment from right wing groups since the Newtown Massacre.

Clearly, there is something going on here which doesn’t fit the narrative.  The goal of those who are wrecking our nation is to keep us all divided – as I’ve said before, I say the Lord’s Prayer in the same pew as a black man, but because of the narrative he and I are supposed to mistrust each other and each turn to government to protect us from each other.  There could be a growing separation between the leadership of the left and the rank and file, just as we rank and file GOPers/conservatives/libertarians are increasingly alienated from those who allegedly lead us.  While the left and right will never agree on most things, we might all agree on this, at least:  that individual liberty, at this moment, trumps all and we’d better ensure we’ve got that.  Once we’ve got our liberty secured, we can set about each other for all we’re worth as we determine relative trivialities like tax rates and spending levels.

It is something to weigh in our minds.


20 thoughts on “Is it Time for a Left/Right Alliance?

  1. neocon01 January 18, 2013 / 5:46 am

    While the left and right will never agree on most things, we might all agree on this, at least: that individual liberty, at this moment, trumps all and we’d better ensure we’ve got that. Once we’ve got our liberty secured, we can set about each other for all we’re worth as we determine relative trivialities like tax rates and spending levels

    we are too far down the road for that pipe dream…….we are 1939 Germany and on the road to destruction. When one large segment seethes with rage and hatred, lives in squalor and off OPM and is convinced we are the cause of their plight, their “leaders” (what ever that is) “pastors” neighbors reinforce that same BS daily, and half our goverment are marxist idelogues who have fostered this hatred to achieve their political goal of big bro and little people…..nothing good is on the road.

    It will take a spiritual awakening, a sovereign move of God to save this murderous nation.

    • neocon01 January 18, 2013 / 7:58 am

      – pleasant and mutually enriching – between TEA Party and MoveOn activists.

      gee whats next?
      Kumbayah between conservative Bible believing Christian’s and baby sacrificing satanists?

      THAT my friend is the deceptive plan of our enemy,
      TROJAN horse alert!!!

      • Retired Spook January 18, 2013 / 10:26 am


        It depends on where this sentiment is originating. If you were a left-wing foot soldier, a useful idiot, as it were, not interested in power so much as fairness (think the majority of the OWS types), would you not be questioning the direction the country is headed. Would you not be realizing that Obama and his cronies are not interested in expanding either freedom or prosperity. It’s pretty clear to me that, if we keep on our present path, the “little people”, regardless of allegiances, are going to get the short end of the stick. Like you, I tend to believe we’re just too far down the road to settle things with rhetoric, but I’m reminded of the old saying, “politics makes strange bedfellows.”

      • M. Noonan January 18, 2013 / 1:26 pm


        Or, alternately, the truth is a-dawning for some on the left…but don’t expect them to become TEA Party activists all in one, fell swoop…when I finally decided that God was the most important thing in my life, its not like I became a saint the next day, you dig? In fact, after quite a long time of trying, I’m still far, far away from a halo…but I’m working on it. Clearly, some on the left are thinking about things and working on it…we’d be worse than fools if we didn’t at least look in to it.

      • Retired Spook January 18, 2013 / 2:10 pm

        Or, alternately, the truth is a-dawning for some on the left…but don’t expect them to become TEA Party activists all in one, fell swoop. Or, alternately, the truth is a-dawning for some on the left…but don’t expect them to become TEA Party activists all in one, fell swoop

        I don’t EVER expect them to become TEA Party activists, Mark, but that doesn’t mean they can’t reach the realization that the country’s headed in the wrong direction, and their kids and grandkids face a bleak future if we don’t turn this ship around. Don’t you think the fact that a plurality, if not a majority of young people graduating from college in the last 4 years have been unable to find employment in their field of study has something to do with this apparent re-examination of where the two sides might have common ground. I would bet, though, that if there is anything genuine about this effort to reach across the aisle, it doesn’t extend very far up the food chain.

      • neocon01 January 18, 2013 / 3:00 pm

        I agree Spook, but maybe we should do like the enemy does and concentrate on educating the white people to become a voting block like the Hispanics and Blacks have.
        Unfortunately these two groups tend to vote STRICTLY on nationality, race, and skin color and I doubt we can un poison that well any time soon.
        Maybe we should educate “our” people to vote for for OUR interests.
        That may be an eye opener to minorities when they cant ever win any but gerrymandered districts, to come to US and seek a resolution. THEN we can talk on a “level playing field”.
        Until then it is all a waste of time.

        PS ( I am not a white nationalist, nor do I believe in that direction,)
        I simply mean fight fire with fire, play the SAME game and give them a taste of their own medicine.

      • M. Noonan January 18, 2013 / 9:43 pm


        I do have some hope for the youth of America. You might recall that “young person of color” I mentioned a while back who has my copy of “The Making of the American Republic” and who voted Romney simply because he fears Obama’s gun grabbing. Also, the youth of America is increasingly pro-life and pro-gun ownership (though, also, increasingly in favor of gay marriage…but even that can be put down to a very strong streak of libertarianism in them). And, remember, the youngsters of today have been massively propagandized by the left for their whole lives – the don’t remember Reagan and were told in school that Clinton was a great President. Sure enough, they voted in droves for Obama (but smaller droves in 2012 than in 2008), but there is an opening for us there.

        Additionally, among black and Latino Americans there is the growing realization that their neighborhoods, schools and job prospects are lousy after they’ve voted heavily Democrat for decades…two and two does eventually get put together.

        I’m not look for or expecting a majority of their votes any time soon – but 20% of black Americans and 40% of Latino Americans voting conservative means we win overwhelming victory…the kind of victory which allows us to re-do the entirety of the American government any way we wish.

      • M. Noonan January 18, 2013 / 9:45 pm


        That would be to play the left’s game. Right now they’ve got black Americans firmly on the liberal plantation, they are working hard at getting Latinos in there, too…if white Americans go in to a socio-political ghetto then the left will win forever. United we stand, divided we fall…our task is to reach out to the other side. Not to their corrupt, cruel and socialist leaders, but to their rank and file members…

    • M. Noonan January 18, 2013 / 1:24 pm


      Christie has decided to go old school on this – figuring that his path to power is to become another McCain or Romney. He will find out that he read things precisely wrong.

      • neocon01 January 18, 2013 / 3:05 pm

        Christie the FAT LOUDMOUTH LOUT RINO from joisey? old school??
        well I guess marxism could be considered “old school”

    • neocon01 January 18, 2013 / 3:59 pm

      Neo, echo. 🙂

      brilliant minds think alike…….LOL

      • neocon01 January 18, 2013 / 4:04 pm

        Ray Nagin indictment: First New Orleans mayor to face corruption charges

        HuH…not ole Ray????
        did the video’s of him looting a Wal Mart store after katrina finally come out?

      • Retired Spook January 18, 2013 / 7:40 pm

        And of course almost every mass killing over the past couple of years has been blamed on the Tea Party by someone in the media (see here) — until, inevitably, the facts prove otherwise — thereby creating the general impression that the Tea Party is a natural repository of “people on the edge,” regardless of whether they turn out to have committed any crimes.

        Meanwhile, those of us in the TEA Party movement have been remarkably restrained. IMO, the almost inevitable violence will still be initiated by the Left.

      • neocon01 January 19, 2013 / 12:51 pm


        Meanwhile, those of us in the TEA Party movement have been remarkably restrained. IMO, the almost inevitable violence will still be initiated by the Left.

        you can almost smell their FEAR of us.

    • M. Noonan January 19, 2013 / 1:41 am


      Believe whatever you wish to believe…or, look in to how Hacktivists do things…one or the other.

      • neocon01 January 19, 2013 / 12:37 pm

        The federal officers are going to tell him that his weapon has been banned, that the deadline has passed for him to turn it in at the local police station, and that he must turn it over immediately. He is going to refuse, on the reasonable principle that a man is not obliged to obey a law that fundamentally violates his constitutionally protected rights. The officers, who will have been trained to regard such “resisters” as hostile and as mentally unstable, will call in for back-up and then give this law-abiding patriot an ultimatum: produce your banned weapon peacefully at once, or be taken into custody on charges of illegal possession of a firearm, and possibly subjected to psychiatric assessment.

        If this man gives in and hands the officers his weapon, he will feel for the rest of his life that he has been broken — that when push came to shove, he did not have the courage to stand up for his children’s future. This, in short, is how the federal officials who sent the officers to his door want him to feel, and how they want everyone to feel: weak, ineffectual, emasculated, and submissive. It is how they want you to feel when federal agents molest your wife at the airport, and photograph your pubescent daughter in a naked scanner. It is how they want you to feel about your “private” health records being permanently on file with a half dozen federal agencies, to be opened at their discretion. It is how they want you to feel about the thousand bank-breaking regulations you are obliged to comb through and comply with in the names of “sustainability,” “social justice,” “anti-discrimination,” and a dozen other fronts in the war on self-governance.

        Read more:
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      • neocon01 January 19, 2013 / 12:56 pm

        Two memorials remain today at Thermopylae. Upon the modern one, called the Leonidas Monument in honor of the Spartan king who fell there, is engraved on a marble slab is his response to Xerxes’ demand that the Spartans lay down their arms. Leonidas’ reply was two words:

        MOLON LABE =
        ” ‘Come and get them.’ “

    • neocon01 January 19, 2013 / 12:42 pm

      catspuke …this link ISNT

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