A Review from Rare

Conservative news site Rare has reviewed 150 Reasons Why Barack Obama is the Worst President in History.

“With 511 footnotes over 274 pages, this work offers a comprehensive review and new nuggets of information on the 44th president’s tenure for even the most diehard political junkies.

Click here to read the whole thing.
Clich here to buy the book.

45 thoughts on “A Review from Rare

  1. GMB June 30, 2013 / 11:47 am

    ” the catalog of sins is outdated as soon as it is printed.” Oh how true this is. This has to be the best comment about sotero that has ever been printed anywhere. Shame should be heaped on sotero and his gangsters and a double heaping of shame on the cowards within the repub party who continue to give money to sotero to add to the catalog.

    • neocon01 July 1, 2013 / 8:01 am

      we thought we couldnt get any worse after LBJ, then we got carter, then down hill to the lowest of low to Klintoon had to be the worst!…….but WAIT there is more.then ole barry got him self put in to power………straight from the pit of hell…..next?

  2. Cluster June 30, 2013 / 1:50 pm

    At the rate Obama is going, you will have enough material for a volume 2 real soon. Congrats on the good review. And am I the only one who is a little surprised by the growing acceptance of the fascist progressive government we are currently ruled by? I always knew leftists were in support of total government rule, so I guess it’s just the speed of full compliance that has surprised me. Just five years ago, they at least use to feign outrage over government take over but now they grab their ankles without hesitation.

    • Retired Spook June 30, 2013 / 2:37 pm

      And am I the only one who is a little surprised by the growing acceptance of the fascist progressive government we are currently ruled by?

      Yes and no. What we’re seeing are the fruits of a half century of indoctrination of at least 2 generations of Americans into completely brain-dead skulls of mush. I am, however, a little surprised to see the final tipping point happen so fast. We’ve gone from total opposition to some of the things Bush did to total acceptance of Obama doing the same things.

      • Cluster June 30, 2013 / 2:46 pm

        We’ve gone from total opposition to some of the things Bush did to total acceptance of Obama doing the same things

        And that’s exactly it. Obama is Bush on steroids. I was initially opposed to the Patriot Act but on the heels of 9/11, I thought that maybe the government needed some teeth, and if there was court oversight, if it was limited to international calls, and had a sunset provision, then maybe it made sense. Well that sunset has never set, and it has now been expanded to domestic surveillance which is beyond the pale, but oddly enough our progressives are in full compliance.

        I guess their plan is to keep the minds of mush all hopped up on gay marriage and abortion, so they won’t have the mental capacity to process the more damaging information. It seems to be working.

        Have you noticed that the US government has now warned against traveling to Egypt? Who knew? LOL.

  3. Retired Spook June 30, 2013 / 4:39 pm

    I guess most people have not yet reached their line in the sand.

    • Cluster June 30, 2013 / 6:36 pm

      What do we do when we get to the line in the sand? Because I am about ten feet past it right now.

      • Retired Spook June 30, 2013 / 6:42 pm

        Cluster, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Costa Rica is actually looking more and more attractive with each passing day. My wife was watching House Hunters International this afternoon, and the episode was located in Costa Rica. Beautiful houses and condos for around $3-400,000 — about what we could get for our place in Indiana (which is paid for).

      • Cluster June 30, 2013 / 7:15 pm

        I have some friends who have a home in Costa Rica, a little town called Tamarindo on the Pacific side. I spent some time down there a couple of years ago and I could live there in a heartbeat. Beautiful place, laid back, great food, wonderful people. My only concern would be that the country would be taken over by narco terrorists, which probably wouldn’t be difficult for them.

        My aunt lives in New Zealand – that’s another possibility.

      • seniorwoman July 1, 2013 / 12:33 am

        I have friends in Costa Rica, but too many deadly crawly critters there. I seriously thought about moving to Denmark since I still have family there. Then I thought, “what the heck” when the chyte hits the fan I am moving to an Indian Reservation.

      • Cluster July 1, 2013 / 7:43 am

        “what the heck” when the chyte hits the fan I am moving to an Indian Reservation.

        LOL. At least they have their sovereignty. Right?

      • neocon01 July 1, 2013 / 4:45 pm

        LOL. At least they have their sovereignty. Right?

        and gambling…….

  4. Cluster July 1, 2013 / 8:16 am

    It’s pretty hard to fathom the damage Obama has done to this country. Russia and China have lost what little respect they did have. The Arab countries are enflamed and calling Obama a terrorist. And now the EU is mad as hell:


    What most of us knew in 2008, is now known across the world – Obama is in over his head and does not possess the principles or leadership skills necessary to be the POTUS.

  5. Cluster July 1, 2013 / 10:07 am

    Far be it of me to address such a moron of your magnitude Canadian, but I will take this moment to school you. The US spends more per capita on education than any other country. The US spends more on welfare programs than any other country. The US treats illegal immigrants far better than any other country. The US does have sensible gun legislation that I support, it is just not enforced by our government. The US, via the states, does have good government sponsored health care programs that I support. I am in full support of civil unions for same sex marriages. So in reality Canadian, the US does a far better job of looking after the “social needs” of it’s citizenry than any other country. I am just choosing to get away from the bone deep ignorant people like you.

    • Cluster July 1, 2013 / 11:38 am

      You didn’t read the last sentence, which again reinforces my point. I would move to get away from bone deep ignorant people like you, who unfortunately populate this country at high levels.

    • Retired Spook July 1, 2013 / 12:35 pm

      Well then, if all that is true and you feel that you currently live in the greatest country on earth, why, in blue blazes, would you, and so many of your patriotic brethren, want to leave it. Don’t get your logic at all.

      CO, if I were to leave (and I doubt that I would) it would be for the same reason that some people can’t sit by and watch a loved one go through the final stages of terminal cancer. From what I’ve read about other social democracies around the globe, many of them are beginning to tip back to the right as they rapidly run out of other people’s money, while we continue to lurch leftward at an unprecedented pace. Although my wife and I could afford to leave, I’m one, based largely on my military background, who would likely stick around and fight. I’m sure, with your sycophantic admiration of Obama, that you have a hard time comprehending that he has surrounded himself with people who would like nothing better than to see people like me dead, or, at the very least, rounded up and put into re-education camps. But you are starting to see glimpses of this in Obama’s rhetoric, referring in a recent foreign speech to “my media”.

      • 01canadianobserver July 1, 2013 / 1:22 pm

        But you are starting to see glimpses of this in Obama’s rhetoric, referring in a recent foreign speech to “my media”… RetiredSpook
        I’ve been unsuccessful in finding the recent foreign speech where this was said. If you could provide a link to that speech, it would be greatly appreciated, Spook.

        I know that the President said “my press” at this foreign news conference but I don’t think this was what you were referring to, is it?

        “Obama spoke just before their joint news conference and may have been trying to suggest his press corps keep its questions tight.
        On Saturday, both U.S. and South African reporters asked multi-part questions. Obama didn’t try to cut anyone off, but instead said the U.S. press corps must be happy the news conference was taking place in a wood-paneled chamber inside Pretoria’s grand Union Buildings.
        “This is much more elegant than the White House press room,” Obama said, referring to the more cramped media quarters in the West Wing. “It’s a big improvement.”
        He kept up the theme of a long-winded U.S. press at the start of his meeting with African Union Commission Chairwoman Dlamini-Zuma.
        “I might take some questions, except earlier in the press conference you guys asked 4-in-1 questions,” a grinning Obama teased.
        At his earlier stop in Senegal, Obama apologized to host President Macky Sall on behalf the American media.
        “Sometimes my press — I notice yours just ask one question,” Obama said. “We try to fit in three or four or five questions in there.”


        Do you, deep in your heart, truly believe that the President would allow anyone in his administration to have people like you murdered or, at the very least, rounded up and put into re-education camps? It sounds as if you are making a comparison to Nazi Germany. When you make statements like that, Spook, I fear for your sanity.

      • Cluster July 1, 2013 / 1:33 pm

        Here you go Canadian …..

        “Sometimes my press – I notice yours just ask one question,” Obama
        said. “We try to fit in three or four or five questions in there.”

        Of course I realize now that you found the quote, but apologized for Obama in the same post. Why are incapable of leveling any criticism towards Obama? What would you have said if Bush referred to the media as “my press” on foreign soil? It is really embarrassing being an American right now – and that is something of which I use to be proud of.

      • 01canadianobserver July 1, 2013 / 2:29 pm

        July 1, 2013 at 1:33 pm

        I’m pretty sure the President was referring to his press corps, Cluster, and not the American media. If I’m not mistaken when the President leaves the White House to travel around the country or around the world, the White House press corps travels with him. I believe that a number of reporters and camera people, or press pool, as they are known, follow the President whenever he is in public or on the road. The President clearly said, “my press” and not “my media” as Spook first wrote. So, in this particular instance, I believe Spook either misread the President’s words or, perhaps, let his hatred of the man cloud his interpretation.

      • Retired Spook July 1, 2013 / 2:49 pm

        So, in this particular instance, I believe Spook either misread the President’s words or, perhaps, let his hatred of the man cloud his interpretation.

        A little of both, I suspect. Although, hate is a pretty strong word, I don’t deny that I hate what he’s doing to the country that I love so much I spent that I spent half my adult life protecting, defending and serving it.

        Do you, deep in your heart, truly believe that the President would allow anyone in his administration to have people like you murdered or, at the very least, rounded up and put into re-education camps? It sounds as if you are making a comparison to Nazi Germany. When you make statements like that, Spook, I fear for your sanity.

        The Weather Underground, of which Obama’s bud, Bill Ayers was a founding member, thought they might have to “eliminate” as many as 25 million Americans, and Obama is surrounded by Bill Ayers types, so, no, it’s not even a slight stretch of the imagination that a number of them would want the same thing today. I would say it’s their fondest wet dream. And while we’re talking about sanity, I question yours, as a foreigner that has so much invested emotionally in our President. Your admiration and devotion to this creep is, well, creepy.

      • 01canadianobserver July 1, 2013 / 3:13 pm

        Retired Spook
        July 1, 2013 at 2:49 pm

        The President of the United States of America is also considered to be leader of the free world, Spook, and since I am part of the free world I have an interest in whomever the American President is at the time. Since it is currently President Obama, I have an interest in him.

        I doubt very much if there are members of the Weather Underground, or Underground sympathizers advising the President on policy. If you have concrete proof that there are, perhaps you should alert the proper authorities, or do you think they are also out to eliminate you?

        Today, we celebrate Canada’s birthday, and as fascinating as this thread is, I’m going to have to wind up my comments and go participate in some major fun celebrations.

      • neocon01 July 1, 2013 / 4:53 pm

        Today, we celebrate Canada’s birthday, and as fascinating as this thread is, I’m going to have to wind up my comments and go participate in some major fun celebrations.


      • neocon01 July 1, 2013 / 5:06 pm

        CNN Broadcasts Zimmerman Social Security Number

        shows what low life bottom feeding scum suckers today’s media is.

      • J. R. Babcock (@JRBabcock) July 1, 2013 / 5:14 pm

        Hey, how about that Zimmerman trial? When the prosecution rests their case, the defense can just say “ditto”.

      • neocon01 July 1, 2013 / 5:47 pm


        Communist Network News has sent a LOUD CLEAR message to the six women jurors……….
        That along with more and more dire threats of “rodney king” on steroids all across the US if the witch hunt ends up with anything but burning Z at the post. After that the screams to overturn SYG will ensue which our GOP governor will grovel at the feet of al. jessah. NBBPP and racist howling mobs …..again!! and sell down the river.

      • neocon01 July 1, 2013 / 5:50 pm

        C zero observer

        ‘Absolutely Incredible’: Canadians Outraged After Flooding Prompts Involuntary Firearm Confiscation
        “What does that have to do with the disaster? …What has happened to our country?”
        Bwwwwaaaaaa ha ha ha ha !!!!!

      • Amazona July 1, 2013 / 9:01 pm

        From the Too Utterly Clueless To Even Try To Describe file:

        “….perhaps you should alert the proper authorities…”

        Such as? Perhaps the United States Attorney General who has refused to even address the blatant law-breaking of a violent black supremacist group putting a bounty on the head of a white man?

        Just which “proper authorities” would YOU “alert”?

      • 01canadianobserver July 2, 2013 / 8:06 am

        It’s a sad thing to see a supremacist group such as this new Black Panther organization commit a hate crime and go unpunished, Amazona. This would not stand in Canada, as you are probably aware. Hate crimes here are taken seriously and are prosecuted to the full extent of the law. I understand that even the original Black Panthers have denounced this group.

        This is but one incident and I would hope not indicative of the entire American Justice System. Surely, if RetiredSpook, as an American citizen, had proof that his life was being threatened, he could file a complaint at the nearest police station where they would fully investigate the threat.

      • 01canadianobserver July 2, 2013 / 8:08 am

        The above is in reply to Amazona
        July 1, 2013 at 9:01 pm

      • Retired Spook July 2, 2013 / 8:23 am

        Surely, if RetiredSpook, as an American citizen, had proof that his life was being threatened, he could file a complaint at the nearest police station where they would fully investigate the threat.

        I’m touched that you care so much about my well being, CO. The fact is that the American justice system is being run by a criminal enterprise.

      • seniorwoman July 2, 2013 / 9:48 pm

        I have spent a lot of time in Canada through the years and one thing I can say with certainty is that hate does exist in Canada. All you have to do is listen and hear Canadians and their hate speech against indigenous people of Canada. From paying for them to supporting them, the hate is unmistakable. So I find it amusing that CO is so concerned about someone either hating Obama or not liking him.

      • Amazona July 2, 2013 / 9:53 pm

        Canada has also developed a quite remarkable level of absolute silliness, as seen in its actions against Mark Steyn, banning him from the country for alleged “hate speech”.

        I’ve listened to Mark Steyn a lot over the years, and while he can be quite succinct in his critiques of Leftist behavior, he is the least hateful person I can imagine.

        Since when did Canadians become such sissified wusses, fluttering about every time someone points out their foolishness?

      • neocon01 July 3, 2013 / 6:04 am


        ever been to Quebec? see hate in the dictionary and a picture of Q is there.

      • Amazona July 2, 2013 / 9:55 pm

        If you think this is “just but one incident” you are not only not paying attention, you are being either willfully blind or painfully dishonest.

        Just a day or so ago neo posted something about a black man with the words “Kill Whitey” tattooed on his face, who has been videotaped making speeches about killing white people. And he has been ignored.

      • 01canadianobserver July 3, 2013 / 6:41 am

        Racism is despicable no matter where it comes from, Amazona. Why nothing has been done in this particular case might have something to do with your First Amendment. You realize that there are many white supremacist groups who are allowed to freely spout their hatred without consequence, also. Perhaps it takes actual physical violence against another before something is done.

        Although not to the same extent as in your country., Canada also has its share of racists and right wing extremists. But as you say, we are sissified wusses and not nearly as tolerant of these folks as our Southern neighbors are.

      • neocon01 July 3, 2013 / 7:47 am

        neocon01 July 3, 2013 at 7:44 am
        Canada also has its share of racists and right LEFT wing extremists.

      • neocon01 July 3, 2013 / 7:50 am

        And he has been ignored.
        so has the N word been used by MANY black actors in MANY very big movies.
        the duplicity of the left is stunning.

      • Amazona July 3, 2013 / 1:16 pm

        “Surely if Zimmerman, as an American citizen, had proof that his life was being threatened, he could file a complaint at the nearest police station where they would fully investigate the threat.”

        See how easy that was? Except that Zimmerman had video of race pimps calling for his death, and there were posters promising a reward to anyone who killed him. And NO ONE “fully investigated the threat”. Now we have the Criminal News Network spreading the man’s address and social security number and running stories about how if he is not convicted there will be race riots.

        Sure am glad this is not considered “hate speech” by such as you.

        As for your other claim, “You realize that there are many white supremacist groups who are allowed to freely spout their hatred without consequence, also.”

        Really? Why don’t you provide some examples—even one would do—of a “white supremacist” openly calling for the murder of black babies, or putting a bounty on the head of any black person, “without consequences”.

        Your understanding of the 1st Amendment is quite incomplete, though I see that does not deter you from commenting on it. But FYI, the 1st Amendment does not allow people to threaten the lives of other people, or offer to pay people to kill other people. In the United States, these are crimes.

        The issue is not whether crimes have been committed by militant black haters of white people. This is fact, it documented. The issue is that the Justice Department is part of the Executive Branch, both are headed by black people, and there is an unofficial policy that black-on-white crime will not be prosecuted. Former Justice Department employees have stated that this policy was stated by Eric Holder, though it was never in writing as far as we can tell and, of course, Holder denied it.

        However, in the United States anyway, actions speak louder than words.

        But…speaking of words…….the Left, fond as they are of Thought Police, have ramrodded the same wackadoo “hate speech” crap you love so much up north. However, rappers and street thugs and black militants are allowed to spew not just hatred but violent hatred, and allowed to try to foment violent action agains white people just because they are white.

        So stop pretending this is not what it is. We know better and you simply make an even bigger fool of yourself when you try.

        As for your snotty claim that those of us south of you are tolerant of racism, this is just another typical example of a typical Lefty trying to divert attention away from the issue at hand, and of your inherent nastiness in claiming moral superiority for Canadians. As we have noted here, there is plenty of racism up north, which you all just ignore because after all most of it is directed at your indigenous people and who gives a damn about them anyway? I consider your comment to be an example of hate speech and bigotry.

        Just what “racism” or “hate crime” got your panties in a wad about Mark Steyn?

      • neocon01 July 1, 2013 / 4:53 pm

        Your admiration and devotion to this creep is, well, creepy.”

        like creepy azz cracka?? LOL

        Dont forget tens of millions loved hitler, stalin, mao, pol, che…..so why not barry? same type of low information (stupid) people exist today.

      • Cluster July 1, 2013 / 3:52 pm


        I really hope you know that the press that travels with the President is still suppose to be independent, objective journalists. You do know that, right? They are not “his” press. But your slavish devotion to that idiot is noted, and humorous.

      • neocon01 July 1, 2013 / 4:46 pm

        you cant use facts and reason with stupid. FOREIGN stupid is a double whammy.

  6. Cluster July 1, 2013 / 12:03 pm

    I can find them in less quantities to be sure, and liberals of whom are much more decent people than people like the POS MZA who is a complete waste of skin.

  7. neocon01 July 3, 2013 / 7:44 am

    Canada also has its share of racists and right LEFT wing extremists.

  8. neocon01 July 3, 2013 / 7:51 am

    strike right and leave left in above post.

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